Over 100 business leaders, Accrington Stanley FC sponsors and hospitality clients from around Hyndburn were invited to a very special event at Accrington Stanley’s Wham Stadium on Wednesday 26th June to celebrate Fixture Release Day.

Hosted in the fabulous 1968 Lounge, local businesses, club sponsors and avid users of Stanley’s world class hospitality venue enjoyed an action packed morning, which included the announcement of a brand new stand sponsor.

iMEP International Music Event Production were officially named as sponsors of the Eric Whalley Family Stand on a six figure three-year deal, continuing their fantastic support for the local community.

The eagerly anticipated fixture release came at 9am, with invitees then able to purchase hospitality packages for the season ahead with some tasty upcoming fixtures at the Wham stadium including against Morecambe, Fleetwood, Salford City and Bradford City.

Guest speaker Simon Keegan, Editor of Insider magazine was also on stage, speaking to the captivated audience about his work history and the business trends he has seen in the broader area.

Following the fixture release, guests were then invited to participate in a Q&A with Accrington Stanley Manager John Doolan and Assistant Manager, Ged Brannan – where they answered questions on topics ranging from new signings to the fantastic facilities at the club.

Those attending then got another opportunity to network whilst checking out the newly branded iMEP Eric Whalley Family Stand.

Murray Dawson, Chair of #AmazingAccrington, said: “Fixture Release Day is an important and exciting date in the calendar every year, and what better way to celebrate than with over 100 sponsors and business leaders at Accrington Stanley to hear the fixtures first hand. This is an event we have been passionate about supporting for some time and we’d all like to thank the club for their first class hospitality and venue this morning.”

David Burgess, Managing Director of Accrington Stanley, said: “Today is such an important one in the club’s season and it has been great to share it with so many people and businesses who support our club. On behalf of the club I would like to thank each and every one of them and we look forward to seeing them over the course of the campaign. We’ve had lots of bookings and deals done already for the 2024/2025 season!”

Simon Keegan, Editor of Insider magazine, said: “The facilities here at Accrington Stanley are second to none, they really are amazing. Andy Holt has put so much time and investment into producing this facility and it really shows what football clubs can offer alongside the football.

“It has also been wonderful to meet so many business leaders today and we will certainly be looking more into the fabulous East Lancashire businesses for our editorial, 30 Ones To Watch.”

Eddy O’Brien, CEO of iMEP, said: “It is a really proud day for iMEP to be named as new stand sponsors here at Accrington Stanley on a six figure three-year deal.

“This club is a huge part of the local community and we are proud to be part of it. To announce the deal at today’s event was also extra special, as Fixture Release Day is one that everyone looks forward to every year and to have been involved in the event is a great honour for us.”

Gareth Lindsay, Managing Director of North Lancs Training Group, said: “It has been a very enjoyable morning and a really exciting event for us to attend as NLTG, sponsors of Accrington Stanley. It was also fantastic to get such great access to John and Ged and to hear about their plans for the new season in the Q&A. We can’t wait for it to start!”

You can keep up-to-date with the latest news from #AmazingAccrington on the website: www.amazingaccrington.co.uk